Pocahontas County Hometown Pride

Hometown Pride
Hometown Pride empowers citizens and improves the quality of life in Iowa’s communities. It is a long-term program of consistent technical and leadership assistance for citizens to build stronger and more sustainable places to live. As a result, citizen leadership grows and the stage is set for increased and sustainable economic and cultural vitality.
The Pocahontas County Hometown Pride program was established on July 1, 2012 and includes nine communities: Fonda, Gilmore City, Havelock, Laurens, Palmer, Plover, Pocahontas, Rolfe, and Varina. Margo Underwood of Keep Iowa Beautiful serves as the Community Coach for Pocahontas County. Pocahontas County was the first county in Iowa to be selected for the brilliant idea of enhancing the beauty of each community through a combination of foundation funding, private and public resources, and volunteer community service participation. The nine Pocahontas County Hometown Pride communities have procured over $890,000 of public and private funding since the development of the program in 2012.
“Hometown Pride Committee members are building pride in their communities, one project at a time. They are wonderful committed volunteers, leading by example with a positive ‘can do’ attitude. Hometown Pride continues to expand across community boundaries and throughout the county. There is a greater vision now, shared by residents throughout Pocahontas County. It’s been a very productive and successful five-year program. We’re looking forward to the next chapter of Hometown Pride in Pocahontas County.” - Margo Underwood, Pocahontas County Hometown Pride Community Coach
“We’ve seen a sweeping change among our county’s nine communities. The Hometown Pride partnership has given them a reason to not just long for a better, brighter future; but to roll up their collective sleeves and get to work making it happen. To learn to fish rather than just be handed a fish. To me, that’s the genius of Hometown Pride.” - Chris Vrba, Editor and Publisher, Pocahontas Record Democrat.